Sembang2 Catzloverpetshops

Thursday 6 December 2012


World's LARGEST Free-flight Wlk-in Aviary (Since 1991)

Hari ini jalan-jalan ke taman "burung bird park" ewah..ewah...first time masuk...."foyuoooh best giler"....apa-apa aku cerita serba sedikit latar belakang bird park nie...

Lokasi: Behampiran dengan taman tasik kuala lumpur atau bukit aman. Berdekatan pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur (10minit jer)

-terbahagi kepada 4 zon

-3,000 specie s(200 species tempatan)

Kemudahan yang di sediakan:
-Taman Permainan Kanak-Kank
-Tempat Parking Memcukupi (Tidak Perlu Berebut)
-Bangku Berehat dan Perlindungan
-kaunter maklumat pengunjung
-Bagi muslim bilik solat(Bersebelah Pintu Masuk Utama)
-Kedai Memjual Cenderamata "KL BIRD PARK"
-Tempat Makan

*Banyak kemudahan di sediakan dan kakitangan di sini cukup perhatin dan sentiasa sudi membantu.
Peta"KL Bird Park"
Peta Ke "KL Bird Park"
Harga Tiket
Bukan WargaNegara Malaysia:
Warga Negara Malaysia (Ada My Kad / My Kid):

*(3 tahun -12 tahun)

Waktu Operasi: 9am-6pm

Sebarang maklumat anda boleh menghubungi mereka;

Kuala Lumpur Bird Park
920 Jalan Cenderawasih
Taman Tasik Perdana 50480
Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
General enquiries
Tel : 03 - 2272 1010
Fax : 03 - 2273 5428
Email :
Ms. Ida
Marketing & Promotions Executive
Email :
Tour Agents & Hotels
Ms. Vin Shee
Marketing & Promotions Executive
Email :

Saturday 1 December 2012

Kenapa Si comel/Kucing Mencakar?

"Geramnya..... aku!Habis Sofa mahal aku!!! "Ini mungkin perkataan yang selalu terkeluar dari mulut kita apabila sofa atau barang kesayangan anda kena cakar oleh "si comel".
Jangan Marah. Kita perlu tahu kenapa si comel kita mencakar?Sejak Azali lagi si comel mempunyai tabiat memcakar,tidak kira jantan atau betina. Ia bertujuan untuk menandakan kawasan mereka. Jangan risau atau runsing.
Kita mempunyai banyak jalan penyelesaiannya.

1)Sedia Tempat Cakar Kucing-ada yang murah,mahal,berbagai bentuk dan warna.

Tempat Cakar dan Mainan Sicomel

2)Potong Kuku Sicomel anda-dengan alat pemotong kuku yang khas untuk Kucing

Pengettip Kuku Kucing

Monday 19 November 2012

Cabutan Bertuah

saya akan membuat cabutan bertuah.di mana saya akan memilih sesiapa memjadi ahli dalam blogspot.
hadiahnya barang penjagaan si comel anda yang bernilai.tq

Saturday 10 November 2012

Makan Berbahaya pada si comel

Makanan Berbahaya kepada Kucing anda!

Di sini saya akan terangkan apakah makanan yang berbahaya kepada si comel kita.

1) Tuna atau lebih di kenali sebagai ikan tongkol!kenapa?
Jawapan: Kadungan nutrisi dan zat yang terkandungan di dalamnya tidak diperlukan oleh si comel.
Jika terlebih boleh menyebabkan keracunan merkuri(Mercury poisoning) pada si comel

Tuna/Ikan Tongkol
2) Bawang dan Daun Bawang(Semua Jenis)!kenapa?
Jawapan: Ia boleh menyebabkan pengurangan sel darah merah,anemia,masalah "gastrointestinal upset" dan keracunan(Poisoning)


 3) Susu dan produk tenusu
Jawapan: Ia boleh menyebabkan masalah pada sistem penghadaman pada  kucing dewasa kerana tidak dapat di hadamkan dan si comel anda akan mengalami cirit-birit

4) Alkohol!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Menjejaska/ menyebabkan kerosakan hati dan otak(Sama seperti manusia).Kerana 2 sudu alkohol ia akan menyebabkan si comel/kucing seberat 2kg mengalami koma.3sudu boleh membunuhnya!


5) Anggur/ Kismis!Kenapa?
Jawapan: ia akan menyebabkan kerosakan buah pinggang dan membunuh si comel/Kucing

6) Kafein!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Ia akan memudaratkan dan memberi kesan tidak dapat di ubati.
Simptom-simptom keracunan :
- Lesu
- Kejang Otot
- Sawan
Contoh yang mengandungi kafein:
-Minuman bertenaga seperti Red Bull
-Ubat selsema (Untuk manusia)
-Painkiller/Ubat tahan sakit (Untuk Manusia)

7) Coklat/Koko!Kenapa?
Jawapan:Ia akan menyebabkan kematian.
- Degupan jantung si comel tidak stabil
- Kejang Otot
- Sawan

8) Gula-gula(Manisan)!Kenapa?
Jawapan kucing),paras gula akan merosot(kegagalan hati)
-Hilang keseimbangan badan
-Kegagalan hati

9)Lemak & Tulang Haiwan!Kenapa?
Jawapan:Menyebabkan cirit birit dan muntah,tercekik dan boleh mencederakan sistem penghadaman si comel

10) Telur Mentah!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Telur mengandungi bakteria(salmonella dan E.coli)
Protein dalam telur putih yang mentah (Avidin).Avidin ini akan menghalang penyerapan vitamin B biotin. Ia akan menyebabkan keguguran bulu dan masalah kulit si comel.

11) Ikan Mentah dan Daging Mentah!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Ia mengandungi bakteria(Keracunan).Enzim dalam ikan mentah akan menghapuskan thiamine(penyumbang vitamin B). Kekurangan ia boleh menyebabkan kerosakan otak si comel dan ia boleh membawa maut.

Daging Mentah

12) Makanan Anjing/ Dog Food!Kenapa?
Jawapan:Sekali sekala memakanan makanan anjing tidak mengapa. Disini saya mengingatkan makanan anjing tidak direka khas bagi keperluan si comel/Kucing.Kandungan Rumusan berbeza.Makanan Kucing memerlukan banyak protein,vitamin dan fatty acids. Jika kita memberi makanan anjing secara berterusan ia akan menyebabkan si comel kekurangan zat dan nutrisi yang diperlukan.

Makanan Anjing
13) Hati Ayam!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Jika diberi kuantiti yang kecil tidak mengapa.Jika berlebihan(Keracunan Vitmin A) ia akan membantukan pertumbuhan tulang dan kucing akan mengalami osteoporosis.Ia juga boleh membawa maut.

Hati Ayam Mentah

14) Terlalu banyak "Treats"!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Sama seperti manusia,jika terlalu banyak makan treats ia akan menyebabkan obesiti dan diabetes

15) Ragi Roti/ Yis/ Ibu Roti!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Sekira termakan perut si comel akan membengkak dari dalam dan menyebabkan kesakitan. Ia juga akan mengakibatkan keracunan alkohol pada si comel

16)Ubat-ubatan Manusia!Kenapa?
Jawapan: Kesilapan yang biasa dilakukan oleh pemilik si comel adalah memberi makan ubatan manusia pada si comel(Sakit).Kecuali telah mendapat pengesahan dari doktor veterinar. PCM/Paracetamol,acetaminophen &ibuprofen boleh menyebabkan kematian pada si comel anda.

Ubat-Ubatan Manusia

*Kucing ialah haiwan  karnivor dan memerlukan daging sebagai makanan utama. Kita sebagai pemilik si comel adalah bertanggungjawab menyediakan makanan yang seimbang suaya si comel kita cergas dan sihat sentiasa.Beras perang( Brown rice) boleh diberikan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit dan tidak kerap.Jaga si comel anda sebaik yang mungkin.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Cat Litter/Pasir Kucing

Quit Cat Litter (10liter)

Quit Cat Litter (10liter)

Quit Cat Litter (10liter)

Quit Cat Litter (10liter)

Quit Cat Litter (10liter)
Pasir Kucing/ Cat Litter
Jenama; Quit
Pengeluar/Pengilang; China
Bau: Lemon
Isipadu: 1beg(10 litter)
Harga:-1 Beg (RM18)
-2 Beg (RM34)

Apakah Makanan Terbaik Untuk Kucing Anda?

Dalila:Salam...nama sy dalila..just nak dapatkan nasihat untuk kucing saya.kalau "brand s" tu ok ke untuk kucing?


Seperti yang saya terangkan dahulu.makanan kucing terbahagi 3 jenis.
1-Super premium@holistic-susah dapat dan sangat mahal (Terbaik)
2-premium-murah mudah di dapati di pasaraya

Keteria yang perlu kita pilih:

1-Cuba elak makan yang mempunyai "By-products"(adalah organ dalam haiwan yang tidak berfaedah kepada kucing)-Cari makanan yang tidak mempunyai "By-proudct"
2-Cuba elak Kadungan Garam/Perasa tambahan yang tinggi (contohnya: sodium-boleh memyebabkan batu karang jangka masa yang panjang)-kurangkan kadungan peratus garam/Cari yang paling kurang kandungan garam dalam makanan kucing anda
3-Kadungan protein sekurang-kurangnya 33% atau lebih ia baik untuk pertumbuhan bulu yang sihat(Ingat kandungan protein yang tinggi boleh menyebabkan cirit birit jikalau tidak di kawal oleh penjaga-baca arahan pembekal cara pengambilan produk tersebut).

Contoh makanan jenis premium/terbaik:

-Proformance (33%)
-Black Wood (35%)
-Evo(PROTEIN (50%)
*Setiap produk makanan kucing mempunyai kelebihan masing-masing

Jadi terpulang kepada kita untuk menentukan makanan yang sesuai untuk kucing kesayangan kita...dr.catz

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Pasir Kristal New !!!!-Silica Gel

Litter Star-Lavender

Litter Star-Lemon and Orange

Litter Star-Green Apple
Litter Star-Unscented
Litter Star-Mix Fruits

Pasir Kristal Untuk Kucing

Jenis: Silica Gel/ Kristal

Bau: Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Green Apple, Unscented dan Mix Fruits

Harga Normal: 3.8 Liter(RM14-RM15)
                      5 Liter(RM19-RM22)

Harga Promosi: 3.8 Liter(RM13)
                       5 Liter(RM17)

- Non Toxic/ Tidak Bertoksid/Beracun
- Very Good Smell Control/ Kawalan Bau Sangat Baik
-  Low Maintenance /Kos Sangat Rendah
- High Absorbency/ Kadar Penyerapan Yang Tinggi

* Sesuai Untuk Kucing Berumur 1bulan +

Monday 3 September 2012


Rumah Hamster
Jenis Barangan:Rumah Hamster

Diperbuat: Posilin/Tembikar

Harga Normal: RM12-15

Harga Promosi: RM10-Hot

Friday 31 August 2012


Jenama: PRO-PLAN(Special list Untuk Kucing)

Pengeluar: Australia

Jenis:1)Hair Ball Managment Checken And Rice Formula(Adult/Dewasa)

           -KOD: PPLAN-HB

           -Harga Asal:1.5kg(RM49.90)

           -Harga Promosi:1.5kg(RM47)

        2)Urinary Tract Health Formula(Adult/Dewasa) 


           -Harga Asal:1.5kg(RM49.90)

           -Harga Promosi: 1.5kg(RM47)

       3)Salmon And Tuna Formula(Adult/Dewasa)


          -Harga Asal:1.5kg(RM45.90)

          -Harga Normal:1.5kg(RM43)

INFO:Copy From

Hairball Management - Chicken & Rice Formula

  • Formulated with natural fiber to help control hairballs
  • Made with real chicken as #1 Ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Antioxidants for immune system health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
Healthy Heart
High-quality protein along with essential vitamins.
Strong Immune System
Complete nutrition with antioxidants and high-quality protein, including real chicken.
Healthy Digestive System
Natural prebiotic fiber sourced from chicory root.
Optimal Nutrient Absorption
Highly digestible formula so cats receive optimal nutrition from food with less going to waste.
Radiant Skin & Coat
Omega fatty acids, vitamin A and high-quality protein sources.
Healthy Eyes & Vision
Formulated with vitamin A and taurine.
Exceptional Flavor
High-quality ingredients, beginning with real chicken as the #1 ingredient, plus no added artificial colors or flavors.

Hairball Management - Chicken & Rice Formula

  • Formulated with natural fiber to help control hairballs
  • Made with real chicken as #1 Ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Antioxidants for immune system health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
Weight of Cat Amount to Feed Daily*
5 to 9 lbs. / 2.3 to 4.1 kg1/4 to 1/2 cup / 30 to 61 g
10 to 14 lbs. / 4.5 to 6.3 kg2/3 to 1 cup / 82 to 122 g

*Using a standard 8 oz/250 ml measuring cup which contains approximately 122 g of Pro Plan.


It is important that you feed Pro Plan to your adult cat "free choice" throughout the day, rather than as just a single feeding only at mealtime. Food intake required to maintain ideal body condition will vary, depending on age, activity and environment. Watch your cat's weight and adjust food amounts accordingly. If you have a kitten, or a pregnant or nursing cat, you should continue feeding any of the Pro Plan Kitten Formulas.


Although you'll be anxious to see the difference Pro Plan can make in your cat, please allow 7 - 10 days to ease the transition from your cat's current food. Each day, simply feed a little less of the previous food and a little more Pro Plan until you're feeding Pro Plan exclusively. This gradual transition will help avoid dietary upsets.
Provide adequate fresh water in a clean container daily.
For your pet’s health, see your veterinarian regularly.

Hairball Management - Chicken & Rice Formula

  • Formulated with natural fiber to help control hairballs
  • Made with real chicken as #1 Ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Antioxidants for immune system health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
Crude Protein (Min)40.0 %
Crude Fat (Min)16.0 %
Crude Fiber (Max)5.5 %
Moisture (Max)12.0 %
Linoleic Acid (Min)1.4 %
Vitamin A (Min)10,000 IU/kg
Vitamin E (Min)400 IU/kg
Taurine (Min)0.15 %
Metabolizable Energy (ME)
4153 kcal/kg
1888 kcal/lb
509 kcal/cup

Hairball Management - Chicken & Rice Formula

  • Formulated with natural fiber to help control hairballs
  • Made with real chicken as #1 Ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Antioxidants for immune system health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
Chicken, corn gluten meal, brewers rice, poultry by-product meal, soy protein concentrate, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), dried egg product, soybean meal, wheat flour, soy protein isolate, powdered cellulose, fish meal, animal liver flavor, soy lecithin, inulin, gelatin, phosphoric acid, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, salt, choline chloride, Vitamin E supplement, taurine, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), manganese sulfate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, copper sulfate, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin B-12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, Vitamin D-3 supplement, calcium iodate, biotin, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), sodium selenite.
Manufactured and guaranteed by: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, St. Louis, MO 63164 USA
Animal feeding tests using Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) procedures substantiate that Pro Plan Adult Hairball Management Chicken & Rice Formula provides complete and balanced nutrition for maintenance of adult cats.


Urinary Tract Health Formula

  • Specially formulated to produce a lower urinary pH and provide low dietary magnesium while still allowing essential minerals and nutrients to be utilized.
  • Offers the nutritional extras you've come to expect from Pro Plan.
  • 3.5lb and 7lb sizes now feature convenient resealable tape.
Urinary Tract Health
Helps maintain urinary tract health by reducing urinary pH and providing low dietary magnesium.
High Quality Ingredients
Made with real chicken for a taste cats love. No added artificial colors or flavors.
Radiant Skin & Coat
Omega fatty acids, vitamin A and high-quality protein help support healthy skin and a lustrous coat.
Healthy Joints
Calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients help support strong bones and healthy joints.

Urinary Tract Health Formula

  • Specially formulated to produce a lower urinary pH and provide low dietary magnesium while still allowing essential minerals and nutrients to be utilized.
  • Offers the nutritional extras you've come to expect from Pro Plan.
  • 3.5lb and 7lb sizes now feature convenient resealable tape.
Weight of Cat Amount to Feed Daily*
5 to 8 lbs./2 to 3.5 kg1/3 to 1/2 cup/37 to 56 g
9 to 14 lbs./4 to 6.5 kg2/3 to 1 cup/75 to 112 g

*Using a standard 8 oz./250 ml measuring cup, which contains approximately 112 g of Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula for Adult Cats.
Water is essential to your cat's body functions. Provide a dish of clean, fresh water at all times. If your cat refuses water, you can moisten this cat food before serving. For your pet's health see your veterinarian regularly. Store in a cool, dry place.


Fill the cat's bowl every morning and allow the cat to eat on a free choice basis. Increase or decrease serving size according to the weight and body condition of your cat. If you have a kitten, pregnant or nursing cat you should continue feeding Pro Plan Kitten Chicken and Rice Formula.


The scientific community agrees that a diet formulated to result in a lower urinary pH can be beneficial to certain populations of adult cats to help maintain urinary tract health. Additionally, some cats may benefit from low dietary magnesium. That's why Pro Plan Adult Urinary Tract Health Formula is designed to produce a lower urinary pH and provide low dietary magnesium, while still allowing the essential minerals and nutrients to be utilized.


When switching your cat to Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula from another cat food, please allow seven to ten days for the transition. Each day feed more Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula and less of the previous food, until you're feeding Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula exclusively. This gradual transition will help avoid dietary upsets.


Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula is formulated to be fed exclusively and should not be mixed with any other type of cat food. That's because Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula is carefully balanced to reduce urinary pH and provide low dietary magnesium. By mixing in other products or switching to other brands, Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula may no longer be effective in reducing urinary pH, which is essential in maintaining urinary tract health. For questions related to the health of your cat, see your veterinarian.

Urinary Tract Health Formula

  • Specially formulated to produce a lower urinary pH and provide low dietary magnesium while still allowing essential minerals and nutrients to be utilized.
  • Offers the nutritional extras you've come to expect from Pro Plan.
  • 3.5lb and 7lb sizes now feature convenient resealable tape.
Crude Protein (Min)31.0 %
Crude Fat (Min)14.0 %
Crude Fiber (Max)2.0 %
Moisture (Max)10.0 %
Linoleic Acid (Min)1.6 %
Calcium (Ca) (Min)0.7 %
Phosphorus (P) (Min)0.6 %
Ash (Max)6.2 %
Magnesium (Max)0.075 %

Urinary Tract Health Formula

  • Specially formulated to produce a lower urinary pH and provide low dietary magnesium while still allowing essential minerals and nutrients to be utilized.
  • Offers the nutritional extras you've come to expect from Pro Plan.
  • 3.5lb and 7lb sizes now feature convenient resealable tape.
Corn gluten meal, chicken, wheat flour, brewers rice, ground yellow corn, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), egg product, sodium caseinate, phosphoric acid, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, animal digest, salt, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, dried whey, choline chloride, dicalcium phosphate, taurine, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, Vitamin E supplement, niacin, citric acid, Vitamin A supplement, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulfate, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin B-12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, Vitamin D-3 supplement, calcium iodate, biotin, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), sodium selenite.
Manufactured and guaranteed by: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, St. Louis, MO 63164 USA
Pro Plan® Urinary Tract Health Formula for Adult Cats is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Cat Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance of adult cats.


Indoor Care - Salmon & Rice Formula

For Less Active Indoor Cats

  • Specially designed for indoor cats
  • Made with real salmon as #1 ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
  • High protein nutrition helps maintain ideal body weight
Healthy Heart
High-quality protein along with essential vitamins.
Strong Immune System
Complete nutrition with antioxidants and high-quality protein, including real salmon.
Healthy Digestive System
Natural prebiotic fiber sourced from chicory root.
Optimal Nutrient Absorption
Highly digestible formula so cats receive optimal nutrition from food with less going to waste.
Radiant Skin & Coat
Omega fatty acids, vitamin A and high-quality protein sources.
Healthy Vision
Formulated with vitamin A and taurine.
Exceptional Flavor
High-quality ingredients, beginning with real salmon as the #1 ingredient, plus no added artificial colors or flavors.

Indoor Care - Salmon & Rice Formula

For Less Active Indoor Cats

  • Specially designed for indoor cats
  • Made with real salmon as #1 ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
  • High protein nutrition helps maintain ideal body weight
Weight of Cat Amount to Feed Daily*
5 to 9 lbs./2.3 to 4.1 kg1/4 to 1/2 cup /31 to 62 g
10 to 14 lbs./4.5 to 6.3 kg2/3 to 1 cup / 83 to 124 g

*Using a standard 8 oz/250 ml measuring cup which contains approximately 124 g of Pro Plan Adult Indoor Care Salmon & Rice Formula. Water is essential to your cat's body functions. Provide a dish of clean, fresh water at all times. If your cat refuses water, you can moisten this cat food before serving. For your pet's health, see your veterinarian regularly.


It is important that you feed Pro Plan to your adult cat "free choice" throughout the day, rather than as just a single feeding only at mealtime. Food intake required to maintain ideal body condition will vary, depending on age, activity and environment. Watch your cat's weight and adjust food amounts accordingly. If you have a kitten, or a pregnant or nursing cat, you should continue feeding any of the Pro Plan Kitten Formulas.


Although you'll be anxious to see the difference Pro Plan can make in your cat, please allow 7 - 10 days to ease the transition from your cat's current food. Each day, simply feed a little less of the previous food and a little more Pro Plan until you're feeding Pro Plan exclusively. This gradual transition will help avoid dietary upsets.

Indoor Care - Salmon & Rice Formula

For Less Active Indoor Cats

  • Specially designed for indoor cats
  • Made with real salmon as #1 ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
  • High protein nutrition helps maintain ideal body weight
Crude Protein (Min)40.0 %
Crude Fat (Min)13.5 %
Crude Fiber (Max)4.8 %
Moisture (Max)12.0 %
Linoleic Acid (Min)1.4 %
Vitamin A (Min)10,000 IU/kg
Vitamin E (Min)400 IU/kg
Taurine (Min)0.15 %
Metabolizable Energy (ME)
4171 kcal/kg
1896 kcal/lb
518 kcal/cup

Indoor Care - Salmon & Rice Formula

For Less Active Indoor Cats

  • Specially designed for indoor cats
  • Made with real salmon as #1 ingredient
  • OptiHealth® with natural prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive health
  • Rich in omega fatty acids for radiant skin & coat
  • High protein nutrition helps maintain ideal body weight
Salmon, brewers rice, corn gluten meal, chicken meal, dried egg product, soy protein isolate, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), fish meal, wheat flour, powdered cellulose, animal liver flavor, soybean hulls, inulin, potassium chloride, phosphoric acid, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, salt, choline chloride, Vitamin E supplement, taurine, calcium carbonate, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), manganese sulfate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulfate, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin B-12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, Vitamin D-3 supplement, calcium iodate, biotin, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), sodium selenite.
Manufactured and guaranteed by: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, St. Louis, MO 63164 USA
Animal feeding tests using Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) procedures substantiate that Pro Plan Adult Indoor Care Salmon & Rice Formula provides complete and balanced nutrition for maintenance of adult cats.